Please join us as we provide info on the latest innovative battery charging technologies from Stored Energy Systems LLC (SENS), and the benefits of NiCad battery technology from Saft, with a focus on DC Equipment in such applications as #Switchgear, #Enginestart, #UPS, #DataCenters, #Telecomm and more! We will provide an overview of technologies and characteristics that will be highly valuable in designing systems for every application.
Who: #ElectricalEngineers; #EITs; #FacilitiesEngineers; #ElectricalSystemsManagers / #Engineers / #Operations& #Maintenance Managers; #PublicWorks Managers / Directors; #ProcurementManagers; #ApplicationsEngineers; #SubStation#MaintenanceEngineers
Tuesday, May 10th @ 3 p.m.
Wednesday, May 11th @ 3 p.m.